Of Musings and Wonderings

I’m looking for beta-readers. Basically, I’m working hard at the moment to get some work out there. I’m looking to enter competitions and submit various pieces of work to places. But what I really need is a pair of (or a few pairs!) critical eyes, to look over my work and let me know if it’s any good.

What I’m looking for is honesty. Even if it’s just “Well, this is crap, because of x, y and z.” Thoughts on plot, characters, grammar…anything! Even from people who might not consider themselves to be experts. I want to know how my writing would be perceived.

I’m not looking for editors. Just people willing to give time and impressions. The way I’d like it to work is maybe, every so often, I ping off an e-mail to anyone willing, let you know the word-count, what sort of story it is, that sort of thing. Then, if you have the time and want a read, I can send it over. And of course, I’m not expecting anyone to do this without something in return. I’d be happy to beta-read for people, or to read something of theirs (short stories, novels, anything!) and give an honest review. There’s also the opportunity for guest blogs or interviews, whatever it is you may be looking for at the time. (For example, if I give a review and you don’t currently have anything else you want me to review, but you are willing to read something of mine, we could set up a guest blog or something.)

So if you think you’d be interested, drop me an e-mail at gracebunting@hotmail.co.uk or leave your e-mail in the comments below.



et cetera